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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  April 18, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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>> live at police headquarter downtown with the latest. >> the suspect in this case, 22-year-old is charged with first and second degree murder in the death of his 2-year-old daughter. >> out side this house, there's no signs a toddler lived here. >> she looked like any ordinary 2-year-old. >> police responded to an unresponsive 2-year-old. the victim was beaten with a belt by a father after letting her father eads dogs into the house. she was beaten so severely, she blacked out. autopsy he reports reveal
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unexplainable damage. court records show the suspect admitted to beating his daughter. court records showed she had been living with her father the last two weeks. this woman doesn't believe he would harm his daughter. me him and the babies are members of the church. he just recently wept too take his ged test. he scored real high. he changed his life around. what 22-year-old stops what he was doing to take care of a guy in a wheelchair. there's been no mention of a child's mornle this this case. >> we know he had been arrested in 12008 on an assault charge. until recently, there had been a downward trend in child
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murders. reporting for tv 11 news. >> a man charged with murder after shooting at an off campus area. expected to survive. the pair went to the suspect's home to confront him after he allegedly assaulted a woman at a party earlier in the evening we are told he was shot in the head and left inside a vehicle near naturaling ton elementary school. the search continues for the gunman. that shuding caps a particularly violent weekend in
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baltimore. seven people shot since friday note. baltimore's murder count now at 50 as compared to this time last year. >> the ash from the volcano. the reason why airspace is still very much closed. after four days, pressure is going. major airlines have already sent test flights. the skies are still too unstable for travel. we have the report. >> thousands of travelers can't get on a plane but they are on the same boat. >> four a fourth day, a massive
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ash cloud has halted air travel. >> many europeans are in washington, d.c. this weekend for the world's largest collection. now i'm going to sleep on a friend's couch and hope that the friendship lasts. >> the sprint is on trying to get to the boston marathon >> depressing, tiring, nerve rahming. travel plans remained up in the air. >> tonight's 9:00 p.m. british
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airways flight was canceled. no word yet on future plans. airlines are losing $200 million a day for canceled flights checking the status of your flight, you will find a linching to status information in and out on our traffic page. >> to men are dead after two separate car crashes. near the intersection of bowersock, the 42-year-old was rushed to the hospital where he later died. a 15-year-old passenger taken to the hospital no word on that passenger's condition. the second crash happened this morning. the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. no one else hurt. in both cases, the driver lost
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control of the vehicle and crashed no a tree. still trying to determine what lead to these accidents. >> hosting the annual job fair which is also doubling as a foreclosure workshop held tomorrow. for more, go to wbal and click on project economy. >> we learn a bill will be introduced tomorrow. police and firefighters can retire after 20 year's service rartless of age. proposes raising contributions from 6% to 9% by 2012. it calls for new cost of living form law replacing the so called variable benefit lc.
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the mayor has called the rocket a ticking time bomb facing a bill in the next fissval cal year. senate democrats want to reform the financial system. the plan forces responsibility. republic cans say it encourages more bale outs. >> wall street is the front line for the littest battle for lawmakers in washington. republic cans are digging in on a fight of financial reform bill. democrats want banks to pay into a $50 billion liquidity fund. republic cans call it a bale out fund. >> regardless, it's a bale out fund that guarantees to bale
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out these big firms. the obama administration insists it holds wall street account able. what i'd love sto hear is not these broad bash critiques. if they can't get one palestinian to join them, the bill is not going anywhere. >> in washington, reporting for wbal news. late breaking news concerning toyota and that regard fine in the doe lay of reporting the gas pedals. good news over airline's and the couldn't row controversial carry on fee. and dancing to finet a cure. >> readings will be kind of
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quold tonight. the forecast for the week ahead is coming up with clearing skies. right now, the temperature dropped off at 46 andd
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>> late breaking news from washington. toyota is degreed to pay a $16 million fine for waiting to report the gas pedal problem. by law, the car maker should have reported the defect within five days of finding it. transportation secretary acoozed the secretary of avoiding reporting the problem
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for four months. >> just a few weekends left to go house shopping. explaining what you need to know to cash in. >> first-time home buyers. it's like we are competing for the money. >> she took it. $8,000 towards the pump of this town home. we'll put it back in the house. >> the result was a $6500 credit for some looking to move up. >> people wanting to take advantage are trying to get iner under that headline. you have until june to settle. they need a downpour and good credit rating. they need to go in and get approved for a mortgage. all of that can be done in a short period of time. the government has to make 1.8
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million utilize the tax credit. congress extended this from last physical until now. >> at this point, we wouldn't expect to see an extension in the credit. for all those at home thinking about whether there's going to be an extension, i wouldn't count on it. >> it depends they say on conditions. for now, the housing market is showing signs of stable idsation. now become to you. >> new york senator reports good news to night. five major u.s. airlines have promised not to follow spirit airlines in charging a carry on bagage fee. earlier, spirit announced it would charge $25 to store bags in the overhead department.
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>> a state funeral held today. the couple's bodies were flown to the funeral mass. the coffins laid to rest usually reserved for kings, leading poets and national heroes. >> a national movement took center stage today in baltimore and a serious fund racers focusing on a deadly form of cancer. >> it is called dance for the cure. a march than dave dance classes. a cure for esopogeal cancer.
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>> the kind of cancer that could be produced by heart burn took my husband's life. the message is simple but alarming. heart burn or acid reflux is nothing to ignore. >> it can cause carns. we want to get the word out. >> we have joined forces to urgently stress this cancer is treatable. once they started doing this event, we realize this is a national organization and it is their job. this really made me angry. i felt like if we had known, maybe my husband would be alive today. >> it was clear today that life was celebrated as loved ones were remembered and a cure was i am abbling ined. >> the origin was a sad story.
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i really enjoy it myself. >> mindy is a former employee here. she has two daughters and is a founding member of the network. >> it was raining cats and dogs today. the march for animals now in the 15th year. >> now, your 11 weather forecast. >> fairly nice day today. on the chili side. clouds produced by a storm over new england. generated some rain shower. it pushed clouds down into
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central maryland. this thing is weakening. last little disturbance. for the most part, this storm will pass to our south. let's look to see what happened during the day today >> the airport only made it to 57 for the high. above freezing. temperatures right now, 49 degrees temperatures have already dropped in to the 30's. that storm begins to full away. we are getting less and less in
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the storm. it will be tough to make it to near normal. we'll see the method rating temperatures. we mentioned that storm. this one is going to age at us for the middle of the week. it's going to pass thrute carolinas and parts of virginia . a little rain may get through to the north. further east in europe, the volcano continues to push ash into the atmosphere. the jet stream has been traveling north. we'll sink further south. eventually, this storm will move out of spain and france
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out of europe clearing the atmosphere. things might be improving. tomorrow could be questionable, especially for thrite that's would have the potential to run into this stuff. back home here, temperature wise tonight. readings falling down into the 30's. down near freezing in some cases. the forecast puts us in the rain in baltimore and around the area. mid 30's to around p.o. 40 degrees. some patchy frost possible. very light, 2- miles an hour there are frost and freeze warnings out because of the expected cold conditions. 62-66 tomorrow. right about formal for this time of year. sunny skies. the future cast are high and dry with plenty of sun.
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here is that storm passing to our south. depen, maybe a shower would get this far north on wednesday. the highest rin chance coming our way. 64 tomorrow, 67 on tuesday. thursday and friday look dry, more rain over the weekend. >> we had plenty of hope earlier in the night. >> you take a look at some video, this makes me concerned about what could happened >> coming up next
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>> at least for a day, the reality of a horrible storm disappears. ending a nine game losing streak in a depressing fashion. playing the best game of the year. they did it though. on the hill. pack tack ue all-star. slapping a shot right off. they make the jog. first run of the season. just up to that point, he
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doubles it. getting one of four orioles with two hits today. calling for the line up. always seems to deliver one. 4-0. top five. an embarrassing start. double off the left center field. he was on base all day. >> how about that? >> he does notify what to do with it. going to jim johnson. asks for a two inning save today. eighth inning done. putting the offense on his back. >> a two run shot. just a blast. the fourth of the season.
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last chance. not going to blow it. coming back at the orioles. get their second victory this season. taking it deep. >> anybody that doesn't tell you that is not telling you. it's more than that. i'm glad it is over. now we can start a winning streak and get this thing straightened out the way it should be. >> tiger woods says greed zroid his image. the reason this story so hit home. he's a golfer. it's supposed to be about honor. why the chairman trashed woods the day before the masters began today. today, the example of how it is supposed to go. i two-man race. day vi one shot back hace this
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puth for birdy. >> davis without a pga tour win. we make it a playoff. approaching the shot, misses the green. >> on the green in two. david plays a shot. not great. he'll have a puth for par. >> dedavis rushed an official over. nobody new but seth davis. he taps in for par. >> brian davis he can certainlyly look in the wirmirwror may have saffed the
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poflte season. looking tastey in game three. the puck ends up back on the stick. power play crosby. there it's. wipping a second straight 4-2 leading the series 2-1. nba playoffs. the bobcats with their post season debut in orlando. knocking down a lead. orlando holds on to game one.
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stay with us. we'll check on the forecast for my birthday boy right after this.


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